
An Accomplished Trial Lawyer

Attorney Susan Barilich is an accomplished trial lawyer. As lead counsel, she has conducted over 130 jury trials to verdict in State and Federal courts in California and Texas, and has achieved successful outcomes in bench trials, arbitrations and administrative hearings. Her trial experience encompasses jury trials and trials to the Courts in California and Texas. She has tried cases in State Court in California and Texas and in Federal Court in California, Texas, and a number of other jurisdictions. These have involved: contractual, business, and real estate disputes, real estate title issues and partitions, fraud, commercial evictions, land use disputes, fraudulent transfer issues, homeowner association disputes, shareholder disputes, defamation, and breach of fiduciary duty cases, among other issues.

What is a Trial?

Trials are an important part of the litigation process. Although a Trial will not be necessary if parties are able to settle their dispute, a good litigation attorney must always be prepared to go to Trial once litigation has been filed. Having sufficient expertise to try cases effectively, whether to a jury or to a judge, is a skill that requires extensive experience to perfect.

A Trial is a fluid situation where witness testimony, and other evidence, can change the course of the trial, as well as the Court’s rulings during trial. In a Trial, you want to have an experienced Trial Attorney with extensive courtroom experience who can think quickly “on their feet.”

Prior to Trial, the Court can order the parties to participate in a settlement conference. Cases settle for a variety of reasons, but primarily they settle so that the parties avoid risk, unpredictability, and in doing so, save money.

Trials can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the number of exhibits and witnesses involved. At the end of a Trial, a jury will reach a verdict or a Judge will enter a Judgment. Sometimes these verdicts or Judgments will go to the Appeals Court after the Trial is concluded. If cases do not settle and must go to Trial, often it is a long process before they are concluded.

When it comes to facing a Trial in Court, you want an experienced attorney with significant and substantial Trial experience to stand up for you – someone who knows how to handle your case to reach the best possible outcome.