
Susan Barilich has represented us on two cases. First, she represented us on a semi-trial and did a wonderful job. Then, she saved us when a title company was misreading a lawsuit judgment. With just a couple of phone calls, Susan was able to get the sale to go through for us on a $7M home, after six other attorneys told us there was no solution. We chose her based on her extensive experience of having done 140 jury trials and were really pleased with her work.

Randi and Stewart Fournier

Realty Veterans

Susan is our long-term real estate attorney. We have probably done over 20 different residential and commercial transactions with her. She is very personable, professional and aggressive when it comes to taking charge. She always keeps me updated on everything, and that is one of the things I love most about Susan.

Evita Gonzalez

Property Manager, Los Angeles, CA

Susan Barilich leaves a trail of happy clients in her wake! One case I referred a case to her involved parties in California and Texas; Susan was perfect for this because she is licensed in both states. Despite it being a complicated and potentially very large case, Susan got it dismissed early on, without protracted litigation, which saved her client a lot of money. Susan is practical, level-headed and always looks for a direct solution to avoid unnecessary work. Everyone I’ve referred to Susan thinks she is wonderful!

Steven Sorell

Sorell Law Group, PC

Susan is a powerful champion for those who have been wronged. Defendants come to court underestimating her preparedness but she is a mastermind at building a case and fighting for her client with ferocity. She is a powerful intelligent methodical communicator laying out or drawing a picture with facts and evidentiary proof to prove the rights of her client. She advocates for her client 100% of the time. She goes to court prepared. She is never surprised. She always does her due diligence. Susan, on a personal note, loves dogs. To me, she is a pit bull in a suit and she does not blink.


Retired Business Woman

Susan prevented the wrongful foreclosure of our home. She worked quickly and diligently demonstrating a very professional manner. Ultimately, she provided the evidence that resolved the issue and allowed us to continue living peacefully in our home. In situations that require legal expertise on any and all real estate matters, Susan is the first and only person I would consider. I highly recommend her services as she has been the champion in saving our home.

Kim M.

Happy Homeowner

I work with attorneys all the time – I’m an attorney as well. In our lawsuit against the home owner’s association, she was extremely responsive and not only won the lawsuit, but did so at 2/3’s of the price of what the defendant’s legal counsel charged. Overall, we were very happy with her work.

Michael Robbins, J.D.

Susan’s #1 strongpoint is that she is a bulldog for her clients. She will go to whatever lengths are needed to support her clients and make sure they prevail and she handles herself well in court trials in what is often an extremely long and arduous process.

Doug Pell

Rancho Palos Verdes

I used Attorney Susan Barilich as an unlawful detainer attorney and she knew how to do the job perfectly. She was happy to answer questions and return phone calls in a timely manner and never got flustered at all. She was personable and made me feel comfortable and as we all know, litigation is not always a comfortable situation. Essentially, it was easy for her because she was such a professional at it.

R. Gregory

Physician's Assistant